鍍金池/ 問答/ 網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全問答
撿肥皂 回答

存儲(chǔ)過程需要使用root用戶進(jìn)行創(chuàng)建. 相當(dāng)于某個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫中的一個(gè)函數(shù).


耍太極 回答

pywin32 只是windows api的封裝, 現(xiàn)在的QQ機(jī)器人都是通過模擬瀏覽器WEBQQ的協(xié)議去做的。不過像XX群發(fā)器都是用 windows api做的。 以前我也弄過不少, 簡單點(diǎn)就是控制鼠標(biāo)坐標(biāo),模擬點(diǎn)擊,模擬回車之類的。點(diǎn)擊前需要獲取窗口位置,當(dāng)前鼠標(biāo)的像素顏色等,需要一定的邏輯判斷。

萌吟 回答


別傷我 回答


方法沒有標(biāo)記 synchronized 時(shí),表示 [調(diào)用此方法時(shí)不需要獲取對象的鎖],換言之,此調(diào)用與正常調(diào)用一樣,JVM 并不會(huì)做什么特殊處理。

如果標(biāo)記了 synchronized ,表示編寫者認(rèn)為該方法有可能造成資源沖突,因此要求此方法被調(diào)用時(shí)嘗試獲取對象的鎖并一直等待直到獲取成功。

畢竟如果一個(gè)對象的方法,并不會(huì)對內(nèi)部的字段屬性或是外部資源產(chǎn)生競爭時(shí),它是不是多線程環(huán)境調(diào)用都是無關(guān)緊要的,因此 JVM 把決定某個(gè)方法是否需要用鎖來保護(hù)的選擇權(quán)力交給你。

要知道,在 Java 中,方法是單獨(dú)的對象 Method,因此一個(gè)方法被鎖保護(hù)了,并不意味著它所屬的類的某個(gè)對象實(shí)例被保護(hù),除非你顯式得使用 synchronized 塊去鎖住對象。

任她鬧 回答


舊酒館 回答


試試在beforeMount 掛載之前寫

心悲涼 回答

a="<?xml .....省略無用的><appToken>{appToken}</appToken></xml>".format(appToken='xzxzxxxx')
import json
body = json.dumps(a)
zeep.post(url='xxx',message= body,headers=h)

抱緊我 回答


淚染裳 回答


司令 回答
# SECTION:Login Failure Blocking and Alerts
# The following[*] triggers are application specific. If you set LF_TRIGGER to
# "0" the value of each trigger is the number of failures against that
# application that will trigger lfd to block the IP address
# If you set LF_TRIGGER to a value greater than "0" then the following[*]
# application triggers are simply on or off ("0" or "1") and the value of
# LF_TRIGGER is the total cumulative number of failures that will trigger lfd
# to block the IP address
# Setting the application trigger to "0" disables it

# If LF_TRIGGER is > "0" then LF_TRIGGER_PERM can be set to "1" to permanently
# block the IP address, or LF_TRIGGER_PERM can be set to a value greater than
# "1" and the IP address will be blocked temporarily for that value in seconds.
# For example:
# LF_TRIGGER_PERM = "1" => the IP is blocked permanently
# LF_TRIGGER_PERM = "3600" => the IP is blocked temporarily for 1 hour
# If LF_TRIGGER is "0", then the application LF_[application]_PERM value works
# in the same way as above and LF_TRIGGER_PERM serves no function

# To only block access to the failed application instead of a complete block
# for an ip address, you can set the following to "1", but LF_TRIGGER must be
# set to "0" with specific application[*] trigger levels also set appropriately
# The ports that are blocked can be configured by changing the PORTS_* options

# Send an email alert if an IP address is blocked by one of the [*] triggers

# [*]Enable login failure detection of sshd connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_SSHD = "5"

# [*]Enable login failure detection of ftp connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_FTPD = "10"

# [*]Enable login failure detection of SMTP AUTH connections

# [*]Enable syntax failure detection of Exim connections

# [*]Enable login failure detection of pop3 connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_POP3D = "0"

# [*]Enable login failure detection of imap connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_IMAPD = "0"

# [*]Enable login failure detection of Apache .htpasswd connections
# Due to the often high logging rate in the Apache error log, you might want to
# enable this option only if you know you are suffering from attacks against
# password protected directories

# [*]Enable failure detection of repeated Apache mod_security rule triggers

# [*]Enable detection of repeated BIND denied requests
# This option should be enabled with care as it will prevent blocked IPs from
# resolving any domains on the server. You might want to set the trigger value
# reasonably high to avoid this
# Example: LF_BIND = "100"
LF_BIND = "0"

# [*]Enable detection of repeated suhosin ALERTs
# Example: LF_SUHOSIN = "5"
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# [*]Enable detection of repeated cxs ModSecurity mod_security rule triggers
# This option will block IP addresses if cxs detects a hits from the
# ModSecurity rule associated with it
# Note: This option takes precedence over LF_MODSEC and removes any hits
# counted towards LF_MODSEC for the cxs rule
# This setting should probably set very low, perhaps to 1, if you want to
# effectively block IP addresses for this trigger option
LF_CXS = "0"

# [*]Enable detection of repeated Apache mod_qos rule triggers
LF_QOS = "0"

# [*]Enable detection of repeated Apache symlink race condition triggers from
# the Apache patch provided by:
# http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@httpd.apache.org/msg55666.html
# This patch has also been included by cPanel via the easyapache option:
# "Symlink Race Condition Protection"

# [*]Enable login failure detection of webmin connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone logs in successfully using SSH
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone uses su to access another account. This will
# send an email alert whether the attempt to use su was successful or not
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone accesses webmin
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone logs in successfully to root on the console
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# This option will keep track of the number of "File does not exist" errors in
# HTACCESS_LOG. If the number of hits is more than LF_APACHE_404 in LF_INTERVAL
# seconds then the IP address will be blocked
# Care should be used with this option as it could generate many
# false-positives, especially Search Bots (use csf.rignore to ignore such bots)
# so only use this option if you know you are under this type of attack
# A sensible setting for this would be quite high, perhaps 200
# To disable set to "0"
LF_APACHE_404 = "0"

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds
LF_APACHE_404_PERM = "3600"

# This option will keep track of the number of "client denied by server
# configuration" errors in HTACCESS_LOG. If the number of hits is more than
# LF_APACHE_403 in LF_INTERVAL seconds then the IP address will be blocked
# Care should be used with this option as it could generate many
# false-positives, especially Search Bots (use csf.rignore to ignore such bots)
# so only use this option if you know you are under this type of attack
# A sensible setting for this would be quite high, perhaps 200
# To disable set to "0"
LF_APACHE_403 = "0"

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds
LF_APACHE_403_PERM = "3600"

# This option will keep track of the number of 401 failures in HTACCESS_LOG.
# If the number of hits is more than LF_APACHE_401 in LF_INTERVAL seconds then
# the IP address will be blocked
# To disable set to "0"
LF_APACHE_401 = "0"

# This option is used to determine if the Apache error_log format contains the
# client port after the client IP. In Apache prior to v2.4, this was not the
# case. In Apache v2.4+ the error_log format can be configured using
# ErrorLogFormat, making the port directive optional
# Unfortunately v2.4 ErrorLogFormat places the port number after a colon next
# to the client IP by default. This makes determining client IPv6 addresses
# difficult unless we know whether the port is being appended or not
# lfd will attempt to autodetect the correct value if this option is set to "0"
# from the httpd binary found in common locations. If it fails to find a binary
# it will be set to "2", unless specified here
# The value can be set here explicitly if the autodetection does not work:
# 0 - autodetect
# 1 - no port directive after client IP
# 2 - port directive after client IP

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds
LF_APACHE_401_PERM = "3600"

# This option will send an alert if the ModSecurity IP persistent storage grows
# excessively large: https://goo.gl/rGh5sF
# More information on cPanel servers here: https://goo.gl/vo6xTE
# LF_MODSECIPDB_FILE must be set to the correct location of the database file
# The check is performed at lfd startup and then once per hour, the template
# used is modsecipdbalert.txt
# Set to "0" to disable this option, otherwise it is the threshold size of the
# file to report in gigabytes, e.g. set to 5 for 5GB

# This is the location of the persistent IP storage file on the server, e.g.:
# /var/run/modsecurity/data/ip.pag
# /var/cpanel/secdatadir/ip.pag
# /var/cache/modsecurity/ip.pag
# /usr/local/apache/conf/modsec/data/msa/ip.pag
# /var/tmp/ip.pag
# /tmp/ip.pag
LF_MODSECIPDB_FILE = "/var/run/modsecurity/data/ip.pag"

# System Exploit Checking. This option is designed to perform a series of tests
# to send an alert in case a possible server compromise is detected
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 300 would seem sensible).
# To disable set to "0"
LF_EXPLOIT = "300"

# This comma separated list allows you to ignore tests LF_EXPLOIT performs
# For the SUPERUSER check, you can list usernames in csf.suignore to have them
# ignored for that test
# Valid tests are:
# If you want to ignore a test add it to this as a comma separated list, e.g.

# Set the time interval to track login and other LF_ failures within (seconds),
# i.e. LF_TRIGGER failures within the last LF_INTERVAL seconds
LF_INTERVAL = "3600"

# This is how long the lfd process sleeps (in seconds) before processing the
# log file entries and checking whether other events need to be triggered
LF_PARSE = "5"

# This is the interval that is used to flush reports of usernames, files and
# pids so that persistent problems continue to be reported, in seconds.
# A value of 3600 seems sensible
LF_FLUSH = "3600"

# Under some circumstances iptables can fail to include a rule instruction,
# especially if more than one request is made concurrently. In this event, a
# permanent block entry may exist in csf.deny, but not in iptables.
# This option instructs csf to deny an already blocked IP address the number
# of times set. The downside, is that there will be multiple entries for an IP
# address in csf.deny and possibly multiple rules for the same IP address in
# iptables. This needs to be taken into consideration when unblocking such IP
# addresses.
# Set to "0" to disable this feature. Do not set this too high for the reasons
# detailed above (e.g. "5" should be more than enough)

# By default csf will create both an inbound and outbound blocks from/to an IP
# unless otherwise specified in csf.deny and GLOBAL_DENY. This is the most
# effective way to block IP traffic. This option instructs csf to only block
# inbound traffic from those IP's and so reduces the number of iptables rules,
# but at the expense of less effectiveness. For this reason we recommend
# leaving this option disabled
# Set to "0" to disable this feature - the default

# SECTION:CloudFlare
# This features provides interaction with the CloudFlare Firewall
# As CloudFlare is a reverse proxy, any attacking IP addresses (so far as 
# iptables is concerned) come from the CloudFlare IP's. To counter this, an
# Apache module (mod_cloudflare) is available that obtains the true attackers
# IP from a custom HTTP header record (similar functionality is available
# for other HTTP daemons
# However, despite now knowing the true attacking IP address, iptables cannot
# be used to block that IP as the traffic is still coming from the CloudFlare
# servers
# CloudFlare have provided a Firewall feature within the user account where
# rules can be added to block, challenge or whitelist IP addresses
# Using the CloudFlare API, this feature adds and removes attacking IPs from
# that firewall and provides CLI (and via the UI) additional commands
# See /etc/csf/readme.txt for more information about this feature and the
# restrictions for its use BEFORE enabling this feature

# This can be set to either "block" or "challenge" (see CloudFlare docs)
CF_BLOCK = "block"

# This setting determines how long the temporary block will apply within csf
# and CloudFlare, keeping them in sync
# Block duration in seconds - overrides perm block or time of individual blocks
# in lfd for block triggers
CF_TEMP = "3600"

# SECTION:Directory Watching & Integrity 
# Enable Directory Watching. This enables lfd to check /tmp and /dev/shm
# directories for suspicious files, i.e. script exploits. If a suspicious
# file is found an email alert is sent. One alert per file per LF_FLUSH
# interval is sent
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds.
# To disable set to "0"

# To remove any suspicious files found during directory watching, enable the
# following. These files will be appended to a tarball in
# /var/lib/csf/suspicious.tar

# This option allows you to have lfd watch a particular file or directory for
# changes and should they change and email alert using watchalert.txt is sent
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 60 would seem sensible) and add your entries to csf.dirwatch
# Set to disable set to "0"

# System Integrity Checking. This enables lfd to compare md5sums of the
# servers OS binary application files from the time when lfd starts. If the
# md5sum of a monitored file changes an alert is sent. This option is intended
# as an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and is the last line of detection for
# a possible root compromise.
# There will be constant false-positives as the servers OS is updated or
# monitored application binaries are updated. However, unexpected changes
# should be carefully inspected.
# Modified files will only be reported via email once.
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 3600 would seem sensible). This option may increase server I/O
# load onto the server as it checks system binaries.
# To disable set to "0"

# SECTION:Distributed Attacks
# Distributed Account Attack. This option will keep track of login failures
# from distributed IP addresses to a specific application account. If the
# number of failures matches the trigger value above, ALL of the IP addresses
# involved in the attack will be blocked according to the temp/perm rules above
# Tracking applies to LF_SSHD, LF_FTPD, LF_SMTPAUTH, LF_POP3D, LF_IMAPD, 
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger

# Distributed FTP Logins. This option will keep track of successful FTP logins.
# If the number of successful logins to an individual account is at least
# LF_DISTFTP in LF_DIST_INTERVAL from at least LF_DISTFTP_UNIQ IP addresses,
# then all of the IP addresses will be blocked
# This option can help mitigate the common FTP account compromise attacks that
# use a distributed network of zombies to deface websites
# A sensible setting for this might be 5, depending on how many different
# IP addresses you expect to an individual FTP account within LF_DIST_INTERVAL
# To disable set to "0"
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger
# LF_DISTFTP. LF_DISTFTP_UNIQ must be <= LF_DISTFTP for this to work

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds

# Send an email alert if LF_DISTFTP is triggered

# Distributed SMTP Logins. This option will keep track of successful SMTP
# logins. If the number of successful logins to an individual account is at
# addresses, then all of the IP addresses will be blocked. These options only
# apply to the exim MTA
# This option can help mitigate the common SMTP account compromise attacks that
# use a distributed network of zombies to send spam
# A sensible setting for this might be 5, depending on how many different
# IP addresses you expect to an individual SMTP account within LF_DIST_INTERVAL
# To disable set to "0"

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger
# LF_DISTSMTP. LF_DISTSMTP_UNIQ must be <= LF_DISTSMTP for this to work

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds

# Send an email alert if LF_DISTSMTP is triggered

# This is the interval during which a distributed FTP or SMTP attack is
# measured

# If LF_DISTFTP or LF_DISTSMTP is triggered, then if the following contains the
# path to a script, it will run the script and pass the following as arguments:
# account name
# log file text
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set

# SECTION:Login Tracking
# Block POP3 logins if greater than LT_POP3D times per hour per account per IP
# address (0=disabled)
# This is a temporary block for the rest of the hour, afterwhich the IP is
# unblocked
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LT_POP3D = "0"

# Block IMAP logins if greater than LT_IMAPD times per hour per account per IP
# address (0=disabled) - not recommended for IMAP logins due to the ethos
# within which IMAP works. If you want to use this, setting it quite high is
# probably a good idea
# This is a temporary block for the rest of the hour, afterwhich the IP is
# unblocked
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LT_IMAPD = "0"

# Send an email alert if an account exceeds LT_POP3D/LT_IMAPD logins per hour
# per IP

# If LF_PERMBLOCK is enabled but you do not want this to apply to
# LT_POP3D/LT_IMAPD, then enable this option

# SECTION:Connection Tracking
# Connection Tracking. This option enables tracking of all connections from IP
# addresses to the server. If the total number of connections is greater than
# this value then the offending IP address is blocked. This can be used to help
# prevent some types of DOS attack.
# Care should be taken with this option. It's entirely possible that you will
# see false-positives. Some protocols can be connection hungry, e.g. FTP, IMAPD
# and HTTP so it could be quite easy to trigger, especially with a lot of
# closed connections in TIME_WAIT. However, for a server that is prone to DOS
# attacks this may be very useful. A reasonable setting for this option might
# be around 300.
# To disable this feature, set this to 0
CT_LIMIT = "1500"

# Connection Tracking interval. Set this to the the number of seconds between
# connection tracking scans

# Send an email alert if an IP address is blocked due to connection tracking

# If you want to make IP blocks permanent then set this to 1, otherwise blocks
# will be temporary and will be cleared after CT_BLOCK_TIME seconds

# If you opt for temporary IP blocks for CT, then the following is the interval
# in seconds that the IP will remained blocked for (e.g. 1800 = 30 mins)
CT_BLOCK_TIME = "1800"

# If you don't want to count the TIME_WAIT state against the connection count
# then set the following to "1"

# If you only want to count specific states (e.g. SYN_RECV) then add the states
# to the following as a comma separated list. E.g. "SYN_RECV,TIME_WAIT"
# Leave this option empty to count all states against CT_LIMIT

# If you only want to count specific ports (e.g. 80,443) then add the ports
# to the following as a comma separated list. E.g. "80,443"
# Leave this option empty to count all ports against CT_LIMIT

# SECTION:Process Tracking
# Process Tracking. This option enables tracking of user and nobody processes
# and examines them for suspicious executables or open network ports. Its
# purpose is to identify potential exploit processes that are running on the
# server, even if they are obfuscated to appear as system services. If a
# suspicious process is found an alert email is sent with relevant information.
# It is then the responsibility of the recipient to investigate the process
# further as the script takes no further action
# The following is the number of seconds a process has to be active before it
# is inspected. If you set this time too low, then you will likely trigger
# false-positives with CGI or PHP scripts.
# Set the value to 0 to disable this feature
PT_LIMIT = "60"

# How frequently processes are checked in seconds

# If you want process tracking to highlight php or perl scripts that are run
# through apache then disable the following,
# i.e. set it to 0
# While enabling this setting will reduce false-positives, having it set to 0
# does provide better checking for exploits running on the server

# lfd will report processes, even if they're listed in csf.pignore, if they're
# tagged as (deleted) by Linux. This information is provided in Linux under
# /proc/PID/exe. A (deleted) process is one that is running a binary that has
# the inode for the file removed from the file system directory. This usually
# happens when the binary has been replaced due to an upgrade for it by the OS
# vendor or another third party (e.g. cPanel). You need to investigate whether
# this is indeed the case to be sure that the original binary has not been
# replaced by a rootkit or is running an exploit.
# Note: If a deleted executable process is detected and reported then lfd will
# not report children of the parent (or the parent itself if a child triggered
# the report) if the parent is also a deleted executable process
# To stop lfd reporting such process you need to restart the daemon to which it
# belongs and therefore run the process using the replacement binary (presuming
# one exists). This will normally mean running the associated startup script in
# /etc/init.d/
# If you do want lfd to report deleted binary processes, set to 1

# If a PT_DELETED event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process and passed the executable, pid,
# account for the process, and parent pid
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set. An
# example is provided in /usr/local/csf/bin/pt_deleted_action.pl
# WARNING: Make sure you read and understand the potential security
# implications of such processes in PT_DELETED above before simply restarting
# such processes with a script

# User Process Tracking. This option enables the tracking of the number of
# process any given account is running at one time. If the number of processes
# exceeds the value of the following setting an email alert is sent with
# details of those processes. If you specify a user in csf.pignore it will be
# ignored
# Set to 0 to disable this feature

# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any user process exceeds
# the virtual memory usage set (MB). To ignore specific processes or users use
# csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERMEM = "512"

# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any user process exceeds
# the RSS memory usage set (MB) - RAM used, not virtual. To ignore specific
# processes or users use csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERRSS = "256"

# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any linux user process
# exceeds the time usage set (seconds). To ignore specific processes or users
# use csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERTIME = "1800"

# If this option is set then processes detected by PT_USERMEM, PT_USERTIME or
# PT_USERPROC are killed
# Warning: We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely necessary
# as it can cause unexpected problems when processes are suddenly terminated.
# It can also lead to system processes being terminated which could cause
# stability issues. It is much better to leave this option disabled and to
# investigate each case as it is reported when the triggers above are breached
# Note: Processes that are running deleted excecutables (see PT_DELETED) will
# not be killed by lfd

# If you want to disable email alerts if PT_USERKILL is triggered, then set
# this option to 0

# If a PT_* event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process and passed the PID(s) of the
# process(es) in a comma separated list.
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set

# Check the PT_LOAD_AVG minute Load Average (can be set to 1 5 or 15 and
# defaults to 5 if set otherwise) on the server every PT_LOAD seconds. If the
# load average is greater than or equal to PT_LOAD_LEVEL then an email alert is
# sent. lfd then does not report subsequent high load until PT_LOAD_SKIP
# seconds has passed to prevent email floods.
# Set PT_LOAD to "0" to disable this feature
PT_LOAD = "30"
PT_LOAD_SKIP = "3600"

# This is the Apache Server Status URL used in the email alert. Requires the
# Apache mod_status module to be installed and configured correctly

# If a PT_LOAD event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process. For example, the script could
# contain commands to terminate and restart httpd, php, exim, etc incase of
# looping processes. The action script must have the execute bit an 
# interpreter (shebang) set

# Fork Bomb Protection. This option checks the number of processes with the
# same session id and if greater than the value set, the whole session tree is
# terminated and an alert sent
# You can see an example of common session id processes on most Linux systems
# using: "ps axf -O sid"
# On cPanel servers, PT_ALL_USERS should be enabled to use this option
# effectively
# This option will check root owned processes. Session id 0 and 1 will always
# be ignored as they represent kernel and init processes. csf.pignore will be
# honoured, but bear in mind that a session tree can contain a variety of users
# and executables
# Care needs to be taken to ensure that this option only detects runaway fork
# bombs, so should be set higher than any session tree is likely to get (e.g.
# httpd could have 100s of legitimate children on very busy systems). A
# sensible starting point on most servers might be 250

# Terminate hung SSHD sessions. When under an SSHD login attack, SSHD processes
# are often left hanging after their connecting IP addresses have been blocked
# This option will terminate the SSH processes created by the blocked IP. This
# option is preferred over PT_SSHDHUNG

# This option will terminate all processes with the cmdline of "sshd: unknown
# [net]" or "sshd: unknown [priv]" if they have been running for more than 60
# seconds

# SECTION:Port Scan Tracking
# Port Scan Tracking. This feature tracks port blocks logged by iptables to
# syslog. If an IP address generates a port block that is logged more than
# PS_LIMIT within PS_INTERVAL seconds, the IP address will be blocked.
# This feature could, for example, be useful for blocking hackers attempting
# to access the standard SSH port if you have moved it to a port other than 22
# and have removed 22 from the TCP_IN list so that connection attempts to the
# old port are being logged
# This feature blocks all iptables blocks from the iptables logs, including
# repeated attempts to one port or SYN flood blocks, etc
# Note: This feature will only track iptables blocks from the log file set in
# IPTABLES_LOG below and if you have DROP_LOGGING enabled. However, it will
# cause redundant blocking with DROP_IP_LOGGING enabled
# Warning: It's possible that an elaborate DDOS (i.e. from multiple IP's)
# could very quickly fill the iptables rule chains and cause a DOS in itself.
# The DENY_IP_LIMIT should help to mitigate such problems with permanent blocks
# and the DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT with temporary blocks
# Set PS_INTERVAL to "0" to disable this feature. A value of between 60 and 300
# would be sensible to enable this feature
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
PS_LIMIT = "10"

# You can specify the ports and/or port ranges that should be tracked by the
# Port Scan Tracking feature. The following setting is a comma separated list
# of those ports and uses the same format as TCP_IN. The setting of
# 0:65535,ICMP,INVALID,OPEN,BRD covers all ports
# Special values are:
#   ICMP    - include ICMP blocks (see ICMP_*)
#   INVALID - include INVALID blocks (see PACKET_FILTER)
#   OPEN    - include TCP_IN and UDP_IN open port blocks - *[proto]_IN Blocked*
#   BRD     - include UDP Broadcast IPs, otherwise they are ignored
PS_PORTS = "0:65535,ICMP"

# To specify how many different ports qualifies as a Port Scan you can increase
# the following from the default value of 1. The risk in doing so will mean
# that persistent attempts to attack a specific closed port will not be
# detected and blocked

# You can select whether IP blocks for Port Scan Tracking should be temporary
# or permanent. Set PS_PERMANENT to "0" for temporary and "1" for permanent
# blocking. If set to "0" PS_BLOCK_TIME is the amount of time in seconds to
# temporarily block the IP address for
荒城 回答

Hello, this help me resolve the problem for me.

Open Terminal
Install Homebrew:?? ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent...)"
Do not close Terminal, open Mac Appstore and check Update, install all XCode Command Line Tools updates OR in my case, XCode Command Line Tools started install automaticly throught Terminal right after step 2.
Back to Terminal
Install Ruby:? ?brew install rbenv ruby-build
Install SASS gem: ??sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin sass
After this steps, everything works fine and I can compilate again with Koala or in Dreamweaver.


第一步:在命令中運(yùn)行ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent...)"


第三步:命令中運(yùn)行?brew install rbenv ruby-build

第四步:命令中運(yùn)行?sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin sass


format里面的D對應(yīng)日, H對應(yīng)小時(shí)
所以輸出1天 8時(shí) 00分 00秒


var time = moment(new Date(), 'YYYYMMDD').from(new Date('2018/08/01 18:40:00'))

// 輸出結(jié)果 8分鐘內(nèi)
久愛她 回答
  1. nickname字段上面的設(shè)置呢?

  2. mysql管理工具有些顯示不出來emojj,實(shí)際上數(shù)據(jù)是好的,你需要在手機(jī)上輸出一下。

傻丟丟 回答

請求到了后端的 權(quán)限數(shù)據(jù)后,進(jìn)行存儲(chǔ),格式類似于[{key:"可見模塊",state:true},{key:"可見模塊1",state:true},{key:"不可見模塊",state:false}];如果你是用的router-link標(biāo)簽,那么就利用數(shù)據(jù),給他v-if,沒有權(quán)限的不渲染,入口就沒了,如果你用的方法this.$router.push("/xx"),那么就利用數(shù)據(jù)做判定,是否能夠跳轉(zhuǎn)。當(dāng)然,為了安全0 - 0你后端的接口要做權(quán)鑒,沒有權(quán)限的用戶,即使更改hash,跳轉(zhuǎn)進(jìn)去也是沒有數(shù)據(jù)的,唔,還可以對這種情況寫個(gè)彩蛋,給他個(gè)alert啥的,哈哈哈嗝,所以說0 - 0沒你想的那么麻煩

紓惘 回答


撥弦 回答

其他代碼,我沒發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,但是你確定video元素標(biāo)簽支持type="rtmp/flv" ,這種視頻流。
