鍍金池/ 問答/Linux/ Apache 2.0 老是崩潰,錯(cuò)誤日志顯示很多的提高ThreadsPerChi

Apache 2.0 老是崩潰,錯(cuò)誤日志顯示很多的提高ThreadsPerChild設(shè)置和無法啟動(dòng)并發(fā)用戶模塊!

公司用的phpnow Apache版本是2.0的 Apache最近老是過不了多久自己就崩了 網(wǎng)站打不開 然后重啟一下就好了,錯(cuò)誤日志上有很多的 提高ThreadsPerChild設(shè)置和無法啟動(dòng)并發(fā)用戶模塊的報(bào)錯(cuò) 但是 沒找到 相關(guān)的配置,還求各位專業(yè)大神能幫幫我,剛學(xué)不就。。。遇到的問題比較棘手。。下面的是 Apache的部分錯(cuò)誤日志 (七點(diǎn)十四分重啟的Apache):

Failed to start up concurrent users module!
[Mon Nov 20 02:26:55 2017] [notice] Child 2956: Child process is running
[Mon Nov 20 02:26:55 2017] [notice] Child 2956: Acquired the start mutex.
[Mon Nov 20 02:26:55 2017] [notice] Child 2956: Starting 500 worker threads.
[Mon Nov 20 02:27:06 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 270 more seconds for 2 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:27:37 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 240 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:28:07 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 210 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:28:37 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 180 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:29:07 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 150 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:29:37 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 120 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:30:08 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 90 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:30:38 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 60 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:31:08 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 30 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:31:38 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Waiting 0 more seconds for 1 worker threads to finish.
[Mon Nov 20 02:31:38 2017] [notice] Child 2404: Terminating 1 threads that failed to exit.
[Mon Nov 20 03:01:18 2017] [warn] Server ran out of threads to serve requests. Consider raising the ThreadsPerChild setting
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:13 2017] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:13 2017] [notice] Child 2956: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:14 2017] [notice] Child 2956: Released the start mutex
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:43 2017] [notice] Parent: Forcing termination of child process 2480
Installing the Apache_pn service
The Apache_pn service is successfully installed.
Starting the Apache_pn service
The Apache_pn service is running.
] Apache/2.0.63 (Win32) PHP/5.2.14 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:54 2017] [notice] Server built: Jan 17 2008 22:58:29
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:54 2017] [notice] Parent: Created child process 6816
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:56 2017] [notice] Child 6816: Child process is running
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:56 2017] [notice] Child 6816: Acquired the start mutex.
[Mon Nov 20 07:14:56 2017] [notice] Child 6816: Starting 500 worker threads.



2017年2月13日 08:23