鍍金池/ 教程/ Android/ 按鈕控制 ViewPager 的左右翻頁
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按鈕控制 ViewPager 的左右翻頁

為了實現(xiàn)左右翻頁的效果,使用了 ViewPager,它會很方便的實現(xiàn)左右滑動后翻頁。

這時需要自己也加上兩個 button 來實現(xiàn)同樣的操作,如何實現(xiàn)呢?網(wǎng)上一篇 blog 幫了忙啦。

【Android】按鈕控制 ViewPager 的左右翻頁,保留原有的動畫效果

ViewPager 的一個公共方法 arrowScroll,查看代碼我們可以有兩個重要的發(fā)現(xiàn):

    public boolean executeKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {  
        boolean handled = false;  
        if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {  
            switch (event.getKeyCode()) {  
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT://鍵盤方向鍵左鍵的控制,向左翻頁  
                    handled = arrowScroll(FOCUS_LEFT);//FOCUS_LEFT:17  
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT://右鍵  
                    handled = arrowScroll(FOCUS_RIGHT);//FOCUS_RIGHT:66  
                case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:  
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {  
                        // The focus finder had a bug handling FOCUS_FORWARD and FOCUS_BACKWARD  
                        // before Android 3.0. Ignore the tab key on those devices.  
                        if (KeyEventCompat.hasNoModifiers(event)) {  
                            handled = arrowScroll(FOCUS_FORWARD);//FOCUS_FORWARD:2  
                        } else if (KeyEventCompat.hasModifiers(event, KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON)) {  
                        handled = arrowScroll(FOCUS_BACKWARD);// FOCUS_BACKWARD:1  
        return handled;  
    public boolean arrowScroll(int direction) {  
        View currentFocused = findFocus();  
        if (currentFocused == this) currentFocused = null;  

        boolean handled = false;  

        View nextFocused = FocusFinder.getInstance().findNextFocus(this, currentFocused,  
        if (nextFocused != null && nextFocused != currentFocused) {  
            if (direction == View.FOCUS_LEFT) {  
                // If there is nothing to the left, or this is causing us to  
                // jump to the right, then what we really want to do is page left.  
                final int nextLeft = getChildRectInPagerCoordinates(mTempRect, nextFocused).left;  
                final int currLeft = getChildRectInPagerCoordinates(mTempRect, currentFocused).left;  
                if (currentFocused != null && nextLeft >= currLeft) {  
                    handled = pageLeft();  
                } else {  
                    handled = nextFocused.requestFocus();  
            } else if (direction == View.FOCUS_RIGHT) {  
                // If there is nothing to the right, or this is causing us to  
                // jump to the left, then what we really want to do is page right.  
                final int nextLeft = getChildRectInPagerCoordinates(mTempRect, nextFocused).left;  
                final int currLeft = getChildRectInPagerCoordinates(mTempRect, currentFocused).left;  
                if (currentFocused != null && nextLeft <= currLeft) {  
                    handled = pageRight();  
                } else {  
                    handled = nextFocused.requestFocus();  
        } else if (direction == FOCUS_LEFT || direction == FOCUS_BACKWARD) {//17 or 1  
            // Trying to move left and nothing there; try to page.  
            handled = pageLeft();  
        } else if (direction == FOCUS_RIGHT || direction == FOCUS_FORWARD) {//66 or 2  
            // Trying to move right and nothing there; try to page.  
            handled = pageRight();  
        if (handled) {  
        return handled;  

也就是說,我們調(diào)用 arrowScroll 方法用參數(shù)1或者17就可以實現(xiàn)向左翻頁;參數(shù)2或66就可以實現(xiàn)向右翻頁。


當你的 UI 中有 EditText 這種獲得 focus 的 widget 時,則必須用17和66,否則要報錯。