鍍金池/ 教程/ Android/ 綜合示例 Astroboy
Just-in-time Bindings
Binding Annotations
Standard Injection
第一個例子 Hello World
Bindings 概述
Linked Bindings
如何綁定 generic 類型
@Provides Methods
RoboGuice 功能描述
綜合示例 Astroboy
Inject Resources
Instance Bindings
Inject 自定義 View
Provider Bindings
Untargetted Bindings
Inject Extra
第一個例子 Hello World
Inject Context
發(fā)送接收 Events
Inject View

綜合示例 Astroboy

前面介紹了 RogoGuice2.0 的基本用法,其它使用可以參見 RoboGuice1.1 開發(fā)指南,2.0中提供了對 Fragment,View(自定義View 中使用注入)的支持,本博客不再一一介紹。

本例使用的是 RoboGuice 開發(fā)包中的簡單示例 Astroboy (阿童木)。涉及的使用 RoboGuice2.0 的一些常用方法。


下面對項目中 RoboGuice2 的使用進行解釋。因為本例沒使用自定義綁定,所以無需使用 res/values/roboguice.xml 定義 Module. 如有自定義模塊,可以參見 Android RoboGuice2 使用指南(2): 第一個例子 Hello World

  1. 類 Astroboy
// There's only one Astroboy, so make it a @Singleton.
// This means that there will be only one instance of Astroboy in the entire
// app.
// Any class that requires an instance of Astroboy will get the same instance.
// This also means this class needs to be thread safe, of course
public class Astroboy {

    // Because Astroboy is a Singleton, we can't directly inject the current
    // Context since the current context may change depending on what activity
    // is using Astroboy
    // at the time. Instead we use the application context.
    // Vibrator is bound to context.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE) in
    // DefaultRoboModule.
    // Random has no special bindings, so Guice will create a new instance for
    // us.
    @Inject Application application;
    @Inject Vibrator vibrator;
    @Inject Random random;

    public void say(String something) {
        // Make a Toast, using the current context as returned by the Context
        // Provider
        Toast.makeText(application, "Astroboy says, \"" + something + "\"",

    public void brushTeeth() {
                new long[] { 0, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50,
                        200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, 200, 50, },

    public String punch() {
        final String expletives[] = new String[] { "POW!", "BANG!", "KERPOW!",
                "OOF!" };
        return expletives[random.nextInt(expletives.length)];

程序中只希望使用一個 Astroboy 實例,因此可以使用 @Singleton 標註,此後任何使用

@Inject Astroboy astroboy;

注入的 Astroboy 都會指向同一個實例,這也是符合 Singleton 設計模式的

@Inject Application application; 注入 Application 實例。參見Android RoboGuice 使用指南(15):Inject Context

@Inject Vibrator vibrator; 注入 Android Vibrator 實例,參見Android RoboGuice 使用指南(16):Standard Injection

@Inject Random random; 對於普通的 Java 類型(POJO),如果該類具有 預設構造函數(shù)(不帶參數(shù)的等),也可以使用 RoboGuice 自動注入實例。

因此當 Astroboy 創(chuàng)建時,RoboGuice 自動為 application, vibrator, random 創(chuàng)建實例,無需使用 new 或參數(shù)傳入來構造它們。

  1. 類 AstroboyRemoteControl
 * A class to control Astroboy remotely.
 * This class uses the current context, so we must make it @ContextSingleton.
 * This means that there will be one AstroboyRemoteControl for every activity or
 * service that requires one. Note that we actually ask for the Activity, rather
 * than the Context (which is the same thing), because we need access to some
 * activity-related methods and this saves us from having to downcast to an
 * Activity manually.
 * It also asks RoboGuice to inject the Astroboy instance so we can control him.
 * What you'll learn in this class - What @ContextScope means and when to use it
 * - How to inject an Activity instead of a Context (which is really the same
 * thing) - How to use RoboGuice's convenient and flexible logging facility, Ln.
public class AstroboyRemoteControl {

    // The Astroboy class has been decorated with @Singleton, so this instance
    // of Astroboy will be the same instance used elsewhere in our app.
    // Injecting an Activity is basically equivalent to "@Inject Context context",
    // and thus also requires @ContextScope. If you wanted, you could also
    // @Inject Application, Service, etc. wherever appropriate.
    @Inject Astroboy astroboy;
    @Inject Activity activity;

    public void brushTeeth() {
        // More info about logging available here:
        // http://code.google.com/p/roboguice/wiki/Logging
        Ln.d("Sent brushTeeth command to Astroboy");

    public void say(String something) {
        Ln.d("Sent say(%s) command to Astroboy", something);

    public void selfDestruct() {
                "Your evil remote control has exploded! Now Astroboy is FREEEEEEEEEE!",

與 Singleton 類似的一個 Scope 標註為 @ContextSingleton ,它表示對於每個 Activity 實例有一個實例,不同的 activity 對應不同的實例。

@Inject Astroboy astroboy; 注入同一個 Astroboy 實例(Singleton)。

@Inject Astroboy astroboy; 注入對應的 Activity 實例。

  1. 類 AstroboyMasterConsole
 * This activity uses an AstroboyRemoteControl to control Astroboy remotely!
 * What you'll learn in this class: - How to use @InjectView as a typesafe
 * version of findViewById() - How to inject plain old java objects as well
 * (POJOs) - When injection happens - Some basics about injection, including
 * when injection results in a call to an object's default constructor, versus
 * when it does something "special" like call getSystemService()
public class AstroboyMasterConsole extends RoboActivity {

    // Various views that we inject into the activity.
    // Equivalent to calling findViewById() in your onCreate(), except more
    // succinct
    @InjectView(R.id.self_destruct) Button selfDestructButton;
    @InjectView(R.id.say_text)  EditText sayText;
    @InjectView(R.id.brush_teeth)   Button brushTeethButton;
    @InjectView(tag = "fightevil")  Button fightEvilButton; // we can also use tags if we want

    // Standard Guice injection of Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs)
    // Guice will find or create the appropriate instance of AstroboyRemoteControl for us
    // Since we haven't specified a special binding for AstroboyRemoteControl,
    // Guice will create a new instance for us using AstroboyRemoteControl's default constructor.
    // Contrast this with Vibrator, which is an Android service that is
    // pre-bound by RoboGuice.
    // Injecting a Vibrator will return a new instance of a Vibrator obtained by
    // calling
    // context.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE). This is configured in
    // DefaultRoboModule, which is
    // used by default to configure every RoboGuice injector.
    @Inject AstroboyRemoteControl remoteControl;
    @Inject Vibrator vibrator;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // @Inject, @InjectResource, and
                                            // @InjectExtra injection happens
                                            // during super.onCreate()

        sayText.setOnEditorActionListener(new OnEditorActionListener() {
            public boolean onEditorAction(TextView textView, int i,
                    KeyEvent keyEvent) {

                // Have the remoteControl tell Astroboy to say something
                return true;

        brushTeethButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {

        selfDestructButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {

                // Self destruct the remoteControl

        // Fighting the forces of evil deserves its own activity
        fightEvilButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                startActivity(new Intent(AstroboyMasterConsole.this,



AstroboyMasterConsole 為主Activity,要使用RoboGuice,則Activity需從RoboActivity派生,其它如Service,F(xiàn)ragment等可以參見Android RoboGuice 使用指南(13):RoboGuice 功能描述。

@InjectView(R.id.self_destruct) Button selfDestructButton;  注入View實例,功能同findViewById。 它的另外一種方法是使用Tag,如

@InjectView(tag = “fightevil”) Button fightEvilButton ,功能一樣。

這個類使用@ContentView(R.layout.main) 為Activity指明ContentView,無需再調(diào)用setContentView.

4. 類FightForcesOfEvilActivity

 * Things you'll learn in this class: - How to inject Resources - How to use
 * RoboAsyncTask to do background tasks with injection - What it means to be a @Singleton
public class FightForcesOfEvilActivity extends RoboActivity {

    @InjectView(R.id.expletive) TextView expletiveText;

    // You can also inject resources such as Strings, Drawables, and Animations
    @InjectResource(R.anim.expletive_animation) Animation expletiveAnimation;

    // AstroboyRemoteControl is annotated as @ContextSingleton, so the instance
    // we get in FightForcesOfEvilActivity will be a different instance than
    // the one we got in AstroboyMasterConsole
    // @Inject AstroboyRemoteControl remoteControl;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        // Throw some punches
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            new AsyncPunch(this) {
                protected void onSuccess(String expletive) throws Exception {

                // We could also override onException() and onFinally() if we
                // wanted



    // This class will call Astroboy.punch() in the background
    public static class AsyncPunch extends RoboAsyncTask<String> {

        // Because Astroboy is a @Singleton, this will be the same
        // instance that we inject elsewhere in our app.
        // Random of course will be a new instance of java.util.Random, since
        // we haven't specified any special binding instructions anywhere
        @Inject Astroboy astroboy;
        @Inject Random random;

        public AsyncPunch(Context context) {

        public String call() throws Exception {
            Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(5 * 1000));
            return astroboy.punch();

@InjectResource(R.anim.expletive_animation) Animation expletiveAnimation; 注入資源,可以參見 Android RoboGuice 使用指南(18):Inject Resources。

從代碼中可以看出使用 RoboGuice 注入可以簡化程序,運行結果如下圖:

http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/android-roboguice/images/27.png" alt="" />

上一篇:Bindings 概述下一篇:Inject Context